Root-specific activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase 1 enhances plant growth and shoot accumulation of nutrient elements under nutrient-poor conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana

Kota Monden, Takehiro Kamiya, Daisuke Sugiura, Takamasa Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa, Takushi Hachiya


Plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPase contributes to nutrient uptake and stomatal opening by creating proton gradient across the membrane. Previous studies report that a dominant mutation in the OPEN STOMATA2 locus (OST2-2D) constitutively activates Arabidopsis PM H+-ATPase 1 (AHA1), which enlarges proton motive force for root nutrient uptake. However, the stomatal opening is also constitutively enhanced in the ost2-2D, causing drought hypersensitivity. To develop plants with improved nutrient acquisition and normal stomatal movement, we generated grafted plants (scion/rootstock : Col-0 (WT)/ost2-2D), and compared their growth and nutrient element content with those of control plants (WT/WT) under two nutrient regimes. WT/ost2-2D shoots had larger weights, rosette diameter, leaf blade area, and content of C, N, K, Ca, S, P, Mg, Na, Mn, B, Co, and Mo under nutrient-poor conditions compared with WT/WT shoots. The root weights and primary root length were greater in WT/ost2-2D plants than in WT/WT plants under both nutrient conditions. These results suggest that root-specific activation of PM H+-ATPase enhances root nutrient uptake, which accelerates the plant growth under nutrient-poor condition. Our study presents a novel approach to improving nutrient uptake efficiency in crops and vegetable for the implementation of low-input sustainable agriculture.